car engine overheating what to do

Car Engine Overheating: Expert Tips on What to Do to Keep Your Ride Cool

Engine malfunctioning is always a serious issue and requires immediate attention. One such issue is engine overheating. Neglecting the problem of engine overheating can lead to expensive repairs or permanent damage. Knowing what to do when your car engine is overheating is a skill that every car owner must have to ensure optimal lifespan of the engine.

There are two main reasons for an overheated car. One is hot weather and the other is an older car. Modern cars rarely suffer from this problem. This could happen when you are climbing a steep surface or get driving in a stop-and-go traffic on a hot day.

Driving an overheated car is never a good idea, no matter your car’s age. If your car overheats often, then it’s probably a sign of a bigger problem. In this article, we will learn why an engine overheats and tips to prevent it.

What To Do When Your Car Engine Is Overheating?

There are two ways your car will indicate engine overheating. One is that the dashboard indicator rises, and another could be a turned on engine temperature warning light.

If you see any of these indications, then follow these tips to help your car go back to its normal temperature:

Ignition turned off immediately

Switch off the ignition as soon as you realize your car is overheating. If you continue to drive while there is any issue with the engine it will further damage it. Additionally, open the windows to speed the process of cooling the car.

Cool Down For Half An Hour

The safest way to cool down the engine is to pull over and turn the engine off. Wait for around half an hour. This will cool the engine down.

Check Temperature Through Heart gauge / Radiator Hose-pipe

Monitor the temperature gauge on the dashboard. If it gets into the red or gives you any warning sign, pull over the engine. Let the engine cool down completely. If the problem persists then you need to take your car for inspection.

Open Radiator and Top-Up the Coolant

The engine can also overheat due to the low coolant. Topping off the coolant can help solve the problem. But this is only a temporary solution. It does not address the root cause of the problem.

Check Radiator Fan Function

Engine can also overheat due to a malfunctioning radiator fan. If the radiator fan is not working it won’t cool the radiator fluid, which will cause the engine’s temperature to rise.

Radiator fan is located between the radiator and engine. You need to inspect if the fan is spinning freely and there is no debris obstructing it. If you start the engine and let it reach the optimal temperature, the fan should start working. If it doesn’t it means there is some issue with it.

Move Vehicle Through Towing Truck to Nearest Authorized Dealership

Never take the issue of engine overheating lightly. Have a professional inspect your car and resolve the root cause.

Notice everything for e.g. the fluid under the car or steam under the hood. This basic information helps in the diagnosis. If you suspect a serious issue and are unsure of the cause then it is best to contact a towing service, to tow your vehicle to the nearest authorized dealers. The trained technicians will know how to accurately identify your problem and handle it efficiently.

Way To Prevent Engine Overheating

Keep Up with Oil Changes

Changing engine oil regularly and keeping it healthy and fresh is crucial to avoid engine issues like overheating. It also protects internal components that rely on the oil for lubrication and cooling properties.

Get Your Cooling System Inspected and/or Serviced

Get your cooling system inspected by any local mechanic. They will look over the car radiator, coolant, pump, fans, hoses and seals. This will ensure that everything is working fine and if any maintenance is required to avoid any future problems.

Shade is Your Friend

Keep your car parked in the shade. This will help in keeping your car from getting too hot from inside.

Replace Your Car Battery

Old batteries cause the engine to work harder and consequently lead to overheating. Replacing your car batteries timely will help prevent the problem.


In conclusion, preventing engine overheating will help in maintaining your car’s performance. Following expert tips and immediate attention to signs of engine overheating can save you from costly repairs. And ensure longevity of your car.

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